Family Pic

Family Pic

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Elijah is 9 Months

Happy 9 months to our sweet Elijah!  
I can't believe how fast the time is going and quickly he is developing from baby to now pre-todler.  
As a side note, when Elijah wears this romper, people always comment that he looks like Nemo (from Finding Nemo :)

New: The biggest development this month has been moving to a real crawl.  He was fast when he was swiffering, but now he is really fast!  He is all over the place!  Elijah easily pulls on up on things, but it's not his favorite thing to do yet because he hasn't figured out to move left to right once he has pulled up, so being up on his feet actually makes him more paralyzed in a way.  So he mostly hangs out on all fours or pulls up just on his knees.  Other developments have been Elijah learning to drink out a straw, doing GREAT at feeding himself (I basically don't spoon feed him anything anymore!), and giving high five.  I was convinced some new teeth were breaking through this month based on Elijah's drooling and a big bump I felt (and still feel) in his mouth...but nothing so far!  Still at 8.

Here are some shots I took the other night right after Elijah's bath and as I was trying to get him into his cloth diaper that I was going to take a picture of.  He's so on the move he was hard to wrestle down to get in the diaper!  
Personality:  Elijah is pretty easy going and always does great in the nursery and situations where other people (and even kids) want to hold him.  Literally everywhere we go people comment on what a big smile he has! 
 Struggles: Elijah struggles a bit with being independent for play time (he really likes to be around other people) so we've been working on that the past few days.  It has meant a few (lot) of tears the first few days, but now he can play about 15 minutes in a room by himself!  It's such a great skill for so many areas of life.  
Elijah also is getting to the temper tantrum stage!  Not big ones very often yet, but he gets very whiny and resistant at times (especially diaper changes!) so he already has been earning some swats on the bum to stop twisting as I change him...seriously we can't have poop going everywhere!  Other than that, he is usually really compliant and responds well to correction and rules (sometimes with a little help :)

 Routine: I thought I'd give a little more of a detailed routine this month for my own record:
Wakes up between 7:30-8:30,
Nurses, eats breakfast, plays and/or errands
Naps about 10-12
Nurses, eats lunch, plays (some independent play) and/or errands
Naps 2-4
Nurses, snack, plays
Dinner around 6
Hangs out with Dad, bath, nurses, and bed at 8

Elijah is ALMOST always consistent with 2 hour naps now (almost never 45 minute ones anymore...if he does try to pull one he is SUPER tired still so I usually let him try to fall back to sleep on his own instead of getting him up)

 Loves: Elijah especially loves things that are not toys: cell phones, remotes, etc.  He likes talking on Skype too, and in general LOVES to make noise.  He is almost always making talking or singing noises...seriously!  When Jeyson takes him somewhere and I have the house all to myself, I can't BELIVE how quiet it is!  Elijah loves baths, food, and being around  people.  He will eat absolutely anything we give him...even a radish, fresh peppers, and horseradish flavored cheese!  The only thing he doesn't seem to love (very all of a sudden too!) is bananas!  I can't believe it since he's basically been eating them every day since he started on solids!  He'll still eat a piece that I feed to him directly into his mouth before it get squishy on the tray or a mashed banana mixed with something.  I think maybe he doesn't like it once it gets slimy from being touched on his tray.  Weird!  Oh and as you can see from the pictures, he loves being nude!  Maybe it's the hot weather, but he likes being diaper and clothes free.

 Our new BumGenius diapers have been going great!  I got a very generous grant for being a missionary from Cotton Babies and I am loving how easy cloth diapers are!  I wash every other day and it's really no big deal.  And they look so stinking cute on too!

These next two pictures are the way I see Elijah usually...either pulling up on the side of my chair...
 Or underfoot on the move!
I love being a mom to this boy!


  1. I love the Nemo comment! And so glad Mr. E is napping so well. Wohoo! His diapers are really cute. Oh and Charlotte has that toy too- the blue/yellow/orange one.

  2. Cloth diapers! Woohoo! Better than no diapers;)
    Love this cute little feller.
