Family Pic

Family Pic

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Here's what we did this weekend:

The weekend started off with a bang...literally.  Elijah was strapped in his highchair that hangs off the table.  It's a rather shaking table but we've never had problems.  I guess Mr. Eli now officially just weighs a fraction of an ounce too much, because when I was getting his dinner from the fridge, the entire table fell over in his direction and landed on top of him!!!  He only let out one scream, but I felt so horrible that I cried!  He wound up with only a black and blue knee, thank God!

When everyone calmed down, we left Elijah at our next door neighbor's who offered to babysit for us for free.  Jeyson and I went out with some friends for dinner for a friend's birthday.  It was an all you can eat Italian place and they bring dishes your table and you can accept as many slices of pizza, scoops of pasta, french fries and fried chicken as you want.  It even included ice cream pizza!  It was yummy but we got STUFFED!  We picked up Elijah when we were done and found out he had stayed up until almost 10pm with the neighbors!!!  I guess he wanted a fun Friday night too :)

We both had things we wanted to do for fun, so we took turns with Elijah at home while the other did it.  In the morning I used a groupon type deal that I had gotten as a gift to get a facial.  It was 1 1/2 hours of treatments and so realizing!  However, my face now actually looks a bit worse then before, as getting out all of the blemishes made me swollen and some of the stuff come to the surface!  But I think it will be better in the long run. 

Then, Jeyson got his turn out.  He went bike riding on trials for a few hours with 7 friends.  They had a great time, as always. 

In the evening, we had a couple over the house.  They are from southern Brazil like Jeyson's family and had a bunch of southern treats that you can't get around here.  So we watched a movie and drank southern tea (mate) and ate pine nuts (a much bigger kind they have in Brazil). 

Also, I know this sounds crazy, but I was alone in the house for the very first time since Elijah's been born.  When Jeyson went out to get a movie before our friends came, he wanted to take Elijah along.  This way I could chill a bit and get ready for our guests.  It sounds so weird, but by chance it's just never happened before.  Usually during the week Jeyson doesn't go out at night unless we're going somewhere together.  Then, on the weekend we usually run errands together or take turns so one is home with Elijah napping while the other shops.  It's just easier on everyone to leave Eli instead of taking him unnecessarily.  So, other than in the past when Jeyson's taken Elijah for some walks in the neighborhood, this was my first time all alone with at home with Elijah and Jeyson out.  Jeyson loved it and so did I!  I'm sure this will be happening more and more as Elijah gets old enough to actually ENJOY going out and doing fun things like playing in the park.  So fun!

Church and Sunday School in the morning and then we met two couples for a picnic in the park.  It's a nice, shady park and it was super relaxing and fun.  In the afternoon we took turns taking naps while the other played with Elijah.  Then we all headed out to the mall to go to the store that we have our phone and internet through.  We needed to change our plan and wound up getting a great deal thanks to knowing a guy that works there.

This weekend Elijah has also tried some new foods.  Yes, I know you're supposed to wait three days between new foods, etc. but I threw caution to the wind and went for it.  :)  Elijah started food kind of late and I'm feeling so limited in what he has been introduced to so far.  So now he has a lot more foods on his menu after this weekend.  He now has tried and liked:  kale (cooked with a bit of garlic), broccoli, plain yogurt (I was surprised how much he liked it considering it's kind of sour), olive oil (on the green veggies), egg yolk, and cheese. 

Now Sunday night depression is setting in....goodbye fun weekend hello Monday morning :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about your weekend! Sounds like a perfect weekend to me. I hate that sun night depression, although mine was always worse when I was working. Omg I know what you mean about the house to yourself. That has happened twice for me that I can remember and it was amazing!!!!!!!! Too bad you're not in the states bc today would still be the wknd for you guys w Memorial Day. Love you!
