Family Pic

Family Pic

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Elijah is 6 months

Today Elijah is 6 months old!  I thought it would be fun to review the past 6 months of pictures to see just how much our little love bug has grown.

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months
It's hard to really notice day to day how much Elijah has grown, but when I look back, it's unmistakable! 

Personality:  Sweet and fun as ever.  He seems to charm everyone he meets and has LOTS of offers of people wanting to babysit him and make arrangements for future marriage with their daughters :)

Loves: Laughing, watching and petting Sam (though the feeling is not mutual!), getting tickled, chewing on his brush while on the changing table, playing with his stuffed animals in bed, seeing his dad (his face always lights right up), stroller rides, his sing-a-ma-jig from G-ma and Popi

News: Rolling both ways, really playing for the first time (rolls all around to get/play with toys), eating fruit and veggies (more on that in another post), 4 teeth total now, sitting up for a few seconds alone or a long time supported with a pillow

Routine: Nurses at 8, 12, 4, and 7/8ish, Eats breakfast around 9 and dinner around 4 (purees)  Naps 10-12 and 2-4 and one tiny catnap around 6 (that we cut short to only 20 minutes or so since he started having a very hard time falling asleep at his bedtime, but can't yet make it till 8 without.)  Sleeps about 8pm-8am and has only woken up once at night in the past 3 months!!!  THANK YOU MR. ELIJAH!!!!  He seems to really thrive on his routine and it helps him to be so happy and a great learner when he's awake.  He does about 50% of the time wake up about 45 minutes into his naps and about half of that goes back to sleep for the rest of the time.  When he doesn't....hmmm....that's a different story!

Struggles: Beginning of discipline/training - we are teaching him to obey when we say "no".  This includes grabbing Jeyson's glasses, touching mugs/cups, and twisting/rolling while on the changing table.  They are all safety issues for him (and the glasses!) so we feel it is important to already begin the training.  It is a lot of work to be consistent, and we have seen that we are slowly getting results.   Teething.  Need I say more?  At 6 months he has 4 teeth solidly in which is great, but has been a struggle as they make their way in.  . 

Overall, Elijah has just gotten to be more and more fun with each new phase and passing month.  I can't wait to see what's around the corner next.  I still can't believe we get to keep this sweetie and I get to be his mom!  What a privilege!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cute that he grabs Jeyson's glasses! :) He is sooooooooo adorable & has really grown up. I'm telling you- it just keeps getting more and more fun too! Awesome update. So glad he loves to sleep too.
