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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mission: Recipe Collection

I have SO many recipes and they are a complete mess! (see pile of about 200 recipes on the right). Plus, (on the left) someone just gave me their old recipe collection, which is much more organized than mine, for me to weed through and pick any recipes I want (at least 300 recipes). It's getting hard to cook with so many recipes on hand! It takes longer to find the recipe than cook it, it seems! Plus there are tons of recipes I've kept to try out SOMEDAY...only that day never comes. Hence...Mission Recipe Collection

I went through ALL of the recipes in the box on the left and picked out 40 or so I found interesting. I went through all of my recipes and organized them by type and then pulled out that ones I've never cooked. The plan: cook through the untried recipes over the next months. If I keep shifting a recipe to the bottom of the pile because I don't want to try goes in the garbage. Obviously I'll never cook it!
So far I've made:
Yogurt dipped, oven fried chicken (ok, but not worth repeating so recipe got trashed)
Bbq pulled pork (pretty good...keeping!)
And cheesy one pot chicken, broccoli, rice dish (on the stove)

It's been great to not only get me on the path towards organization, but I have plenty of meals to choose from when I'm making my weekly menu. I'll let you know if I stumble across any must-tries!

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