This boy is just SO sweet and easy going. And his most incredible development has been sleeping though the night! He still is waking up a bit earlier in the morning than I would like, but we're working on that. At least the clock always says 6 or 7 something instead of 2,3, or 4 something...I'll take it!
Elijah loves his play gym these days and can entertain himself for 20 minutes or so. He is also starting to see farther distances so he loves staring at the painted tree mural on his wall and watching his mobile. He seems to have a bit of discomfort from gas at times, so we started to give him some medicine in the form of oral drops a few times a day. They are strawberry flavored and he LOVES them! He gets all happy and starts opening his mouth wide. He also loves his new woombie swaddle and has started smiling when we put it on. Oh, and I forgot to mention that his first real smiles came on Christmas...what a perfect present for us!
Elijah is struggling a bit with the 45 minute intruder at naptime, but when he cries I just put him in is car seat (we don't have a bouncy seat or swing :( ) and he chills and often goes back to sleep, so that's fine for now. I'll take what I can get!
Elijah really is a joy and it seems everywhere we go people really enjoy him and find him easy to hold and not fussy. (Although around 8pm at home he can be pretty crazy!) We brought him to Christmas and New Years at Jeyson's parents' home and then our mission's 4 day long retreat. He was a big hit and was very flexible and didn't mind being out at all (though we were so ready to come home!).
It's incredible to see how quickly Elijah has grown. He officially has outgrown all of his newborn clothes, which makes me a little sad. I especially was sad to see this little pj outfit get too small since it was the very first thing he wore when he was born.
Ok he looks so much like Jeyson it's not even funny. I love the pic of him sleeping with that huge silly grin on his face. I felt so sad about Charlotte outgrowing all her newborn clothes too. But the good thing is that means he's closer to fitting in the all the stylin outfits mom & dad are bringing with them! wohoo!