I can't believe our Audrey is a year old!!! What a wonderful, wonderful year it has been with this girl in our lives and part of our family. I can't even imagine how we had a family without her!!
We had a fun family cake smash to celebrate this girl's birthday. Christa make a cute pink cake for her and we all watched her dig in. At first she was kind of shy and just picked at the frosting, especially going for the pink candy balls on top, eventually she dug and just kept going, having a fabulous time. It was such fun, no-stress, all fun way to celebrate this girl who means more to us than words can say. And since she is such a sweetie, nothing other than a sweet dessert celebration would have been appropriate. :)
After the cake smash it was direct to baths, followed by a pizza dinner. Fun, fun, fun!!!
Personality: Sweetie pie, go with the flow
Likes: Dancing and singing with music, making loud noises of celebration at totally unexpected moments, eating all on her own, Cheerios, swings, slides, eating rice cakes as she sits in a shopping cart, cell phones, Elijah, feeding us bits of food, being tickled and flipped upside down, getting a hold of my earrings and pulling (ouch!)
New: Being able to hold unassisted if we prop her up, but when she realizes what's going on she shrinks down to sitting and refuses to let us do it again (goes all floppy), climbing up stairs, starting to do some things intentionally like move blocks into a container
Routine: Nothing new
Struggles: Red bumps around mouth that seem to be an allergic reaction. We are trying to figure out what's going on and think it may have to do with milk so we're trying cutting out milk
So cute, Steph!!!!! I love those smash cake pics!