Family Pic

Family Pic

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Audrey 9 Months

 Our sweet Audrey is 9 months old already!

Personality - Sweetness through and through, flexible  (this girl is cheery even if she misses a nap on a crazy errand day!)

Likes: feeding herself, swinging, being held by anyone, exploring things in the house (inside open cabinets or anything left out),

New: Pulling up to standing, crawling (rather than just scooting) 80% of the time though she hasn't picked up much speed yet, hearty belly laughs (a very cute one on the back of her throat that comes out in little choppy eh eh eh sounds), one top tooth and other one coming any day - that's a total of 3 so far, giving high-fives,  a little clingy to mommy at times,  going un-swaddled at naps (would probably be ready for night time too but we have continued so she doesn't get cold with the a/c), lots of interaction with Elijah (Elijah and her play games, especially in the car such as taking turns making noise and both cracking up), standing up waiting for me in her crib, taking baths with Elijah, and most of all eating!!  This girl can sit in her high chair for an hour or more just eating and eating and eating by the handful or gnawing on a rice cake…happy as can be!!  In fact the other day I dropped her off in the church nursery with a container full of semi-smashed babyfood and asked if the nursery worker could feed her since we had been in a huge rush.  Later the worker told me she and the other worker had commented that there was NO WAY Audrey would eat the large quantity I had packed, but she ate it all and a cracker too and they were in shock!!  :)

Routine:  Continues on the same.  8 wake up, morning nap 10-12, afternoon nap 2-5 (approximately) sleep at 7:30pm

Struggles:  The only struggle we have was at Audrey's last doctor's appointment she had lost weight (about 1/2 lb)  We are focusing on giving her higher calorie food, treated her for worms since Elijah has them, and reweighing tomorrow.  Hoping she has put on some weight this time)

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