Family Pic

Family Pic

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

6 Months

Happy 6 months to Audrey!  
 Personality:  I've gotta say, Audrey has got to be one of the calmest babies out there.  Even a older farmer in a cowboy hat came up to us in the supermarket and said that Audrey is as "peaceful as a horse under a tree!"  Lol!  I don't know about the horse part, but she really is SOOO peaceful!  She isn't one of those overly silly babies and definitely not a fussy baby.  Just so, so sweet and peaceful.  She seriously hardly every complains about anything, just contently and peacefully enjoys her surroundings and those interacting with her with happy coos.

Likes: People…she let's literally anyone hold her.  Jumping, being held standing/sitting up, playing with toys, interacting with Elijah, bucket baths, jumping, sucking on her ring and pinkie finger 

New:  Sleeping with her arms out of the swaddle (there was no point in it anymore because she kept wiggling out from the half opened zipper.  The transition has been seamless), her first mild cold, sitting up unassisted (actually we realized just days before she turned 5 months that she could do this and she has been getting progressively stronger, though still can't let go of her hands on the floor).  Rolling both ways, lifting up her bum to get on hands/knees, rocking like she's wanting to crawl, eating her first foods (banana, avocado, papaya, carrots, apples), playing for long periods of time of the floor with her toys

Routine:  Nothing new

Struggles:  Starting to wake up for a dream feed again.  I think she is just ready for more calories but still learning to eat, so I'm hoping this is temporary.  I do it around 10pm so it's not a problem, but if I skip she wakes up at night wanting to eat a TON so I've been opting to do the dream feed again for a while.   

This month Audrey also did GREAT on our trip to Goias.  She loved being held by all of the people on the Asas retreat and by her grandparents.
This is her characteristic happy and peaceful look…seriously looks like this  95% of the time

Starting to really interact with each other for the first time.  I asked Elijah to bring Audrey some toys…when I looked a minute later, ALL these toys were in front of her

First food…a banana from a village we fly to.  Perfect food for our little missionary kid!


  1. She is perfect. What a doll!!! See you soon, Audrey girl.

  2. Love, Love Love the pictures. Really liked seeing the two kids together.
