Family Pic

Family Pic

Friday, November 21, 2014

Elijah is 3!

Sunday was Elijah's 3rd birthday.  We had a tiny party which Elijah loved!  He really wanted to wear a party hat and have his friend Mateus over.  Both of his wishes came true and more.
(I cheated and made cinnamon rolls instead of a cake since my cakes always flop under pressure :)

 My favorite part of the day was watching Elijah play pin the tail on the donkey for the first time.  Absolutely hilarious!

 We've been following the Ciotta family tradition of taking a birthday picture with dad so we can see how the kids are growing.  So fun to look back on over the past years.

Here's what our new 3 year old has been up to:

Personality: Happy, reserved, helpful, kind, good sense of humor, prefers stability

Likes: Playing on play equipment, hot dogs, Paw Patrol, playing with cars/trains/boats etc, going to school, playing with older kids, reading books, stickers, going to the park, running to the truck to greet Jeyson when he arrives, helping load laundry into the machine and any other household task, tools, picking out his own clothes, repetition of the same routine every day, overhearing and adding to our conversations (quite hilarious, especially when he gets the whole topic wrong!), checking out how Audrey has no teeth lol!

New:  What hasn't changed in the last year??  Potty trained, sleeping in a big boy bed, knows to wait to get out until his clock turns green, independent player, talking about everything, lots of preferences about what he wants to do, imaginative play starting, learning lots of Portuguese words, eating everything (even vegetables), retelling stories of what happened, starting to become responsible and trustworthy in some areas little by little, joining in on jokes/humor and even laughing at himself

Routine:  Up at 7:00, nap 1-3:30,  sleeping at 7:30pm

Stuggles: Obeying right away, preferences about how details should be done, learning to get dressed and use the potty all on his own

1 comment:

  1. I loved this update, Steph! So much has changed since I saw E 6 months ago. I was laughing out loud about how he checks out that A has no teeth. So cute!!! Welcome to 3. :)
