Family Pic

Family Pic

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mr. E Lately

Elijah is 13 months now and I"m giving myself a break from monthly pictures...getting way too tough.  I just wanted to note down a few new things he's doing lately so I don't forget:
- Taking steps - max 4 in a row and always on his terms (when he stands himself up and is in the mood).  It won't be long now!
- Consistently saying mamamama to me
- Pointing
- Signing "more" consistently
- Playing more purposefully with cars and making car noises, puzzles, putting shapes through holes etc 
- Two molars breaking through on the bottom
- He is also down to one long afternoon naps 1-4pm and it is going great!
- Overall I feel like we're arriving at the top of a long climb up and enjoying some of the rewards!  I just   love this boy!

1 comment:

  1. What a great update. Send video of the walking por favor. I know you must feel such a relief about the napping solution! Yay!
