Family Pic

Family Pic

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Happy 8 Months, Audrey!

Personality: sweet, smily, chill

Likes: Army crawling, putting all kinds of things in her mouth that she shouldn't (flip flops, stray things she finds on the floor, plugs, etc), sitting her chair eating - happily does this for 30 minutes or more feeding herself finger food, being held, papaya

New: Feeding herself almost exclusively, getting fast at army crawling and going places intentionally, trying to swifter crawl out the front door, acting like she is teething the top teeth but nothing has come through yet, moving easily between sitting and crawling

Struggles: Wanting to be held at times when I'm trying to get things done around the house, crying during diaper changes

A few pics from this month:

Audrey's two bottom teeth

 Elijah is all about interacting with and "helping Audrey".  Here he is trying to help me take this month's picture. 
 And giving her water after a meal…I love how he's so into it that he's making a drinking face :)