Family Pic

Family Pic

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Audrey 7 Months

Happy 7 months to Miss Audrey!

Personality:  Easy going sweetness through and through

Likes: Jumping, toys that make noise, playing on the floor, bananas, smiling at Elijah, sucking on her ring and middle finger now, sleeping only in her bed (no more sleeping on the go unless it's in the car), riding in the front of a grocery cart, trying to pick up food to feed herself, drinking only out of the take and toss sippy-cups, finding flip flops to suck on

New: Army crawling, sitting up sturdy without holding on, 2 bottom teeth, eating all kinds of things pureed and some things finger food style, drinking water from a cup, interested enough in certain things that she scoots to get to them, 

Routine: Trying to cut out her third nap of the day so the new routine will be - 8 am up, nap 10-12, nap 2-5, bed at 7;30.  This is successful most days unless we are out of the house which throws off the routine.

Struggles: First an update on last month's struggle of waking again for the dream feed.  Beginning solids completely resolved that!  Sleeps solidly through the night again.  Only new "struggle" is now having to put away all small toys that Elijah likes to play with since Audrey is officially on the move!

Here's a pic of Audrey's bottom teeth.  The one on the left is all the way up and the one on the right is through, but still coming up all the way.

Also, a funny side note, we can't go ANYWHERE without people commenting on her blue eyes - so rare for Brazil.They don't show up well in these pictures, but they really are a very pretty blue.  People comment, tell other people about it, and even ask to take pictures lol!

We just love this Girl!