Family Pic

Family Pic

Saturday, August 31, 2013

More Morning Funnies

Here's another breakfast funny from this guy I don't want to forget
E stole and tried on my glasses the other day when I wasn't looking!

We were eating breakfast - crepes, bananas, and pineapple slices.
Elijah was eating his food while I decided to put jelly on my own crepe.
Elijah saw me do it and gestured for me to put some jelly on the piece of crepe in his hand.  I did.
Then he gestured for me to put jelly on the crepe in his place.  I did.
Then he held out his whole banana for me to put jelly on that too.  I did.
THEN he held out his whole pineapple slice for me to put jelly on too.  haha!  I did.

This guy is really thinking now...all kinds of fun ideas floating around in his head!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

1 year 9 months

Elijah just recently turned 1 year and 9 months.  Time for a quick update so I can remember how he's growing and changing.  

First, a few sleeping shots of him OUT during a nap.  I love that bum in the air!

 And this was him hanging out in his crib kicking his feet out of the bars and chilling one morning when I went in.

Elijah and Elijah at a father's day event (the school made him pinned the tie on Jeyson).

 These last two are at least 2 months old but too cute to exclude.  We were on the way to the park to ride bikes and eat a snack.  We turned around to the back seat and E had put on his helmet (backwards!) and was eating our picnic food!
 Oh well, guess we'll keep him!
(Since personality and routine are pretty much stable now, I will exclude those subjects)

Loves: Curious George (OBSESSED!) and sometimes Peppa Pig episodes, going to "school" two mornings a week, train set, cars, playing with Jeyson's tools, breakfast, walking in puddles, drinking straight from coconuts, 
New: Appreciating humor in movies and real life situations and laughing about them even when he's alone, understanding his train set and the idea of pushing the trains along the track and downhills, ditching cloth diapers for now (life is too crazy as we adjust), saying a few words!!  holding hands when praying, 
Struggles: Temper tantrums, not wanting to stay in timeout, wanting to take his frog blanket everywhere, not wanting to sit in his seat at meals

Words said clearly everyday: bye, come, mama, (always said maMAmaMAmaMA) uh-oh, WOAH!
Words I know he's saying everyday based on his imitating our tone: all done, thank you
Words he knows but only says when he feels like it: Tschau (pronounced chow...bye in portuguese), car, ball, moo, meow, quack 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Morning Funnies

This kid brings unending joy to our lives.  He's just so goofy as he tries to figure life out.
Here he is trying to start our beetle with a key in the engine
The funniest thing happened at breakfast, and I wanted to make so I don't forget it.  
Elijah was eating a tortilla with jelly on it for breakfast (don't ask!) and I was reading him a book.  When we read books he's ALL about taking hold of our hand and using our finer as a pointer for him to point at everything for us to say what it is.  So, he took my hand and pointed at the picture of Abraham looking at stars.  
He points my finger at Abraham, I say "Abraham"
He points my finger at stars, I say "Stars"
He points my finger at a hand, I say "Hand"
He points my finger at a beard, I say "Beard"
Then, to my surprise, he points my finger on his tortilla (accidentally getting jelly on my finger), and I say "Tortilla"
Seeing the jelly on my finger, he points my finger up and into his mouth for him to lick off the jelly!

I don't know if I just needed a laugh, or if it was a you had to be there moment, or maybe it was just the factual and studious way he did it all, but I was rolling laughing.  And of course Elijah wanted to be in on the joke so he would point my finger at more things in the book and CRACK UP exaggeratedly as if he were in on the joke.  This kid is too much!  I love being his mom.