Family Pic

Family Pic

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Elijah Wesley 1 Year!

Happy Birthday to Elijah!

On our other blog I posted the progression of Elijah growing over the past year, but here I want to add in a few notes of what he has been up to (though right now it's over a week past his birthday so there are a few things he has been doing now that he wasn't doing yet by his actual b-day)

New:  Playing more intentionally such as stacking, putting things into containers, etc, climbing very well up stairs or stairs of a small slide and going cautiously down, paying attention longer to dvds, standing up on his own (but only when he's not noticing - when he notices he gets nervous and sits and goes limp when I try to get him to do it again).  He has also recently has done a few things that have blown us away because he has initiated them completely on his own - blowing kisses and signing more.  He started blowing kisses to a group of our supporters when they were leaving and signing more to Danielle when eating cantaloupe.  I also noticed he seems to be saying mamamama around me lately.  I started to wonder if maybe he was trying to say my name.  Also lately he has been pointing a bit at things.  The other day Danielle asked Elijah where his mama is and he very distinctly pointed at me.  He repeated once and then wouldn't do it again.  In fact, all of these things he can do but he won't do them consistently and some he won't even repeat again at all.  It's almost as if he learned something but has to put it to the side to learn something else new and will come back to it.  This is also true of waving, signing all done, and a few other things.  It's really interesting.

Personality:  When I think of Elijah the adjectives that pop into my mind are: friendly, smiley, cautious, a bit loud and reserved at the same time, discoverer, squealer, mama's boy, a follower (follows older kids' leads), and silly

Routine:  Same as before but only nursing morning and evening.  He has switched to whole milk throughout the day due to his lack of interest in nursing during the day.  He is also recently starting to show the same lack of interest in nursing at night and even sometimes in the morning  so it looks like soon we may be all done.  I am following his lead in weaning and happy with how things are happening naturally and slowly.

Struggles:  Naps - 45 minute ones are still happening sometimes and a good nap is considered 1 hr and 15 or more.  It may be time to drop one.  Another struggle has been boredom.  He loves playing with others and seems to get bored just with me around the house.

Loves:  Stuffed animals and soft blankets, snacks, climbing, playing with other kids or adults, watching videos with music

This past year has been the most wonderful, exhausting, and fulfilling year of my life.  Happy Birthday sweet Elijah!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween Fun

Is it too late for Halloween pictures?  I hope not!  Here's what we did.  We have a few trick-or-treaters come to our house and then we headed over to our church for a fall festival.  It was definitely more fun for Elijah than going door to door in the rain!

I loved this cute shark!
Elijah was dressed as a frog (borrowed the costume) but he was uncertain for quite a while at the event.
He loved playing with this sword that some kid left on the floor 
Elijah perked up a bit when he got to play a game where you picked a duck out of a pool of water.  He won a notepad :)

By the end he was happy and even stole and ate a brownie when we weren't looking!
And he LOVED the bouncy castle

Not big enough to do a sack race, but at least he matched the bag!
Well it wasn't the most exciting Halloween ever, but it's definitely the last we'll have for a while since we'll be overseas, so we lived it much as you can with an 11 month old frog :)