I can not believe Elijah is one month old today! On one hand, the first time I held him in my arms is so vivid that it feels like it just happened yesterday, but on the other hand we can barely remember life before Elijah...it seems like we've had him forever.
So in thinking about how I wanted to do Elijah's monthly updates, I knew it had to include this monkey. It was Elijah's first gift and Elijah seems to like him a lot. Jeyson also had a stuffed monkey growing up, so it seems just perfect.
Yep, this monkey is going to get lots of abuse...err I mean love over the years!
Next, we really wanted to include this special rocking chair from G-ma and Poppy...
So, this is what we ended up with. The first of many shots to come.
There is so much to say about this little lovebug. Elijah is known by everyone who meets him as an exceptionally calm and content baby. I think a lot of it is his personality (after all, his dad is the definition of calm!) but he has really taken to the structure and routine that we try to follow and I think all of the routine helps him sleep better and then be happier when he is awake. He is a great sleeper at night. After his dreamfeed at 11pm, he sleeps until somewhere between 3-5am when he wakes up for another feed and goes right back to sleep until 7:30-8:00. Not bad at all!! He follows a 2-3 hour routine of eat, "play", sleep during the day. It's GREAT because we know what his needs are (almost) all of the time.
He is developing so quickly - it's so bittersweet. He is picking his head up now when he's on his stomach and making great eye contact. Elijah is an awesome nurser and eats a lot each time and goes to sleep quickly and easily without needing to fall asleep while nursing. He is a super loud nurser though - lots of grunts and slurping sometimes :) He gets tons of hiccups and almost always sneezes in groups of three. He loves to wait to get out of his dirty diaper to let it all out (1 or 2!) so I've learned to outsmart him by putting down a cloth diaper after taking off the old one until it's out of his system (literally). He likes to take baths sitting up in a bucket (another post on that later), loves being swaddled, accepts a pacifier sometimes, enjoys playing in his gym, and can't get enough of being in the moby wrap. One of my favorite things about Elijah right now is that he LOVES to stretch when he wakes up. He will seriously spend five or more minutes stretching his arms, legs, and leaning his head WAY back and legs back to form a backwards curl...even when you're holding him. I love it!
Even though he's still so new, we're getting better at understanding his cues and we're feeling like more experienced parents and more connected with him each day. There are some difficult moments, like when he refuses to take his evening nap, but when I need some encouragement I just stick him in this cute shirt and I'm good to go.
I can't wait for many, many more months to come!